Adrenaline Shocker Mid-Rise
Adrenaline Shocker Mid-Rise passer alle Shocker CVO, XLS, RSX kropper. Den er designet for å legge nøyaktig 1 ball til stabelen når den hviler på en ball i kammeret. Dette gir en betydelig fôringsfordel for den mekaniske CVO-gruppen. Den øker også siktlinjen nedover pistolen ved å heve hopperen litt ut av veien, noe som også kan være en fordel på en XLS eller RSX.
Vi har testet en Adrenaline Shocker CVO med en Virtue Spire III (med styrkeinnstillingen satt til 7 i appen) ved strømmer på 15,4 bps, selv om det ikke bør forventes ved en vedvarende hastighet. Vi pleide å lage Adrenaline Angels som skjøt 13 bps på en VL 2000. Vi oppnådde det den gang med skyskraperhøye høyder. Dette går tilbake til den teknologien for din Spire III som heldigvis er mye mer kapabel enn en gammel VL Revolution hopper (derfor gjorde vi dem litt kortere).
Den inkluderer ikke låsearmen eller skruene, men bytt enkelt ut disse fra din nåværende lavprofil da de er identiske.
- Reviews
- Questions

No-Brainer for Mech
Increases the ROF capability with mech. Must have.
International Purchase
The guys at Adrenaline are AWESOME. This is my first experience purchasing items from them, and I feel it won't be my last. From start to finish, their customer service has been exemplary. They have kept me updated on the progress of the transaction, provided up to date shipping information, and checking in to see if I received my purchase okay. All I can say is WOW. Thanks guys...
Best cvo upgrade for a Non force feed hopper
I rock a pinokio speed on my cvo... this extra ball in the stack gets rid of any chopping concern since the speed doesn't have constant tension/pressure on the ball stack.
I am so glad y’all have this feed neck I’ve been a big fan of the mid rise since the lasoya angel mid rise feed necks. It looks great and shoots and feeds like I always thought it would.
Adds that extra ball to the stack without going back to a 90’s periscope
Mid rise
Haven’t used it yet but install was fairly easy and looks great
Midrise feed neck
Very well made. Gets you that extra visibility you might need if you are a larger person. Only complaint is it doesn't come with the hardware witch isn't a problem if you are using it on a shocker. It will fit on the m170r with a little fitting you will need to order the hardware from sp but works
Seems great!
I havent been able to use it yet, but it seems like a quality part! I understand the concept and I'm sure it'll function as desired. I bought this for my RSX CVO.
Adrenaline Shocker Mid-Rise
Perfect Compliment
The midrises are a perfect compliment to make sure that my market has a constant supply of paint, always at the ready, to keep a lane. A must have, especially with non force-fed loaders.